
Oh so Busy…

Hey there readers.

I am gearing up for what should be fun and busy week. I have 3 social events, a baking project, and a couple of craft projects all on top of my normal weekly obligations.

My good friend is visiting from Colorado and we are trying to get together for lunch. Friday the bestie and I are continuing our tradition of seeing Broadway musical. We have tickets to The Lion King and should have lots of fun.

Saturday evening is my BFF’s bachelorette party, so dinner and show. I still have to get the mini cheesecakes with cookie crusts baked. I am aiming to do my baking Thursday when I get home from work. I also need to get the goodie bags assembled.

Saturday afternoon will be filled with, hopefully, the last of the wedding crafts. Just getting the back drop for the photo-booth made, finishing touches on the card box, and direction cards for the pictures.

Next week is Thanksgiving and I still need to decide what I am going to be bringing to dinner besides Strawberry Pretzel Salad. Thank goodness for the short work week and hopefully early out on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

Hopefully I will have the energy to get my Black Friday shopping done. I have a new-found love of Black Friday, since I no longer work retail. I have been working on my by store shopping list for a couple of weeks now.

The week following the holiday is another short work week for me but also contains a dentist appointment. Thursday I will be playing tourist with my family from out-of-town. Friday should be family picnic day. Saturday if we are lucky will be wedding reception set up day and Sunday is my brother and best friends wedding.

I am looking forward to seeing every one but this introvert is going to need a good long break to recover from all the socializing.

Stay cozy readers!



5 Things About Me

Hey there! I figured I should do a little about me post, so in no particular order, here are five things I think you should know about me.

    1.  I married my favorite person on October 21st. We opted for a small ceremony at the courthouse and plan on holding the big awesome party on our 5th anniversary. The hubby and I have been together 6 years and met through friends. Saying I do was one of the best days of my life



2. We have one furry expansion pack. We adopted our delightful gator dog on Valentine’s Day and couldn’t be happier. Ali is a not stop ball of energy, always hoping for a game of fetch. She also happens to be the snuggliest of puppers.


3. I am a huge reader. I rarely leave my house without a book. My book collection consists of a mix of physical books and ebooks. Nothing beats the smell and feel of real books; and nothing compares to the ease of taking 100’s of ebooks with me everywhere. I am slowly building my collection by buying books at thrift stores, libraries, used book stores, discount bins or really good ebook deals. The only exception is new books in some of the series’ that I have read for years.

4. I am a crafter. My main craft is crochet; I have made just about everything from hats and scarves to blankets and plushies. I also dabble in painting, cross stitch, polymer clay, knitting and anything else that randomly catches my eye while I am at the craft store.

5. I love cooking from scratch. Whether it’s dinner or baking I adore doing it from scratch. I spend way too much time online looking for recipes and never writing them down or book marking them; so I always have to look them up again. One pot dinners are my favorite weekday dinners and I make good use of my Instant Pot.

The hubby and I hope to one day own a good chunk of land and grow our own food and have lots of animals.